Former ConsenSys Manager Company Aligned Raises $34 Million

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Aligned, a startup founded by exConsenSys chief strategy officer Sam Cassatt that is building a Web 3.0 infrastructure, has raised $34 million in funding.

According to The Block, Aligned has received support from GSR, Altium Capital, Ninja4 and Cavalry Fund, as well as multiple business angels.

Cassatt has explained that the company aims to become the cloud-based Amazon Web Services for the future of the decentralized Internet. The company CEO believes the hardware and infrastructure allows Aligned to create such a solution. He has added:

“We create special equipment from many components. Some of them are ready-made chips. There are many applications for this equipment, and one of them is the mining of various cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and others.”

Aligned is also building a staking infrastructure and is a liquidity provider in DeFi.

Louis Adams

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.