What is Metaverse and Why You Should Consider Investing Now

Reading time: 4 minutes

If you haven’t heard of a metaverse yet, you must be living under a rock because it’s almost the only thing the tech community is talking about right now. The largest companies are looking in this direction, and Facebook has even gone through a full rebranding to show their serious intentions.

So what is a metaverse, and what does it bring to the table? And most importantly, does it have a necessary potential for investments? Let’s find out.

What is the metaverse?

Any metaverse is a virtual space created for various purposes: socialization, work, playing interactive games, etc. Companies working on the metaverse development use different technologies, including mostly 3D, AR and VR, which are believed to be the future of hi-tech. 

And the metaverse itself can easily become our future. According to Grayscale estimations, when brought to life, the metaverse value may exceed USD 1 trillion in annual revenue, and we are sure it won’t stop at this point. Developing a necessary tech stack to run a metaverse will boost the tech industry and transform it into something completely new.

You might think that we are talking about a pretty distant future right now, but it’s much closer than it seems. Just think about it. People already pay thousands of dollars for a piece of digital land in metaverse games such as Decentraland. They buy NFTs at a price of a house and attend virtual events in Fortnite as if it was a school trip to the closest city. So the idea of a metaverse doesn’t seem that unrealistic after all.

And after world-known global companies start looking in the same direction, there must be no doubt left – metaverse is the next black. By “global companies,” we mean Epic Games that raised USD 1 billion for metaverse development in early 2021 and, of course, Facebook that became Meta in October and announced creating 10,000 new jobs in the EU.

“Facebook’s announcement once again underscores that the metaverse is not being seen by those-in-the-know as an ‘extension’ of the internet…but as its successor” – Nigel Green, CEO and founder of wealth manager deVere Group.

Such news and projections make you wonder if you should try to hop on this trend and gain profit by investing in a metaverse. So what is the real metaverse coin value and does it really have such a potential?  

Why invest in a metaverse?

If we haven’t convinced you yet, here are several reasons why you should consider investing in a metaverse:

  • Different investment possibilities. You might decide to purchase native tokens of the metaverse of your choice, buy NFTs, or even wait until a metaverse ETF is created to properly diversify your portfolio.
  • Low entry threshold. Since we are not talking about traditional finance, metaverse stock or brokers, you’ll be able to invest any amount, even if it’s just USD 1. Most metaverse projects run on blockchain technology, so making an investment is simple and fast.
  • Comparatively cheap tokens. As we are only entering the age of metaverse and many projects are just about to launch their platforms, you can purchase metaverse crypto at a much lower cost.
  • Emerging market with huge potential. It’s always exciting to become a part of the new technological revolution. This happened to the internet in the ‘90s, to Bitcoin several years ago, and metaverse is believed to be the next big thing.
  • World-known market players. Facebook, Disney, Epic Games, Microsoft and many other companies are building their metaverse platforms right now. And even more companies, such as Nvidia, serve as technology enablers.

The metaverse industry clearly has huge potential for development and investment. The next question is how to do this.

How to make a metaverse investment?

As we’ve mentioned before, there are several options for investing in a metaverse. 

First, you can simply buy a metaverse coin and store it in your crypto wallet, waiting for the price to go up. This is probably the easiest way that allows you to lower the entry threshold and minimize risks.

Second, you can invest in NFTs released by a metaverse project, which serve a particular purpose within the metaverse. By investing in such utility NFTs, you can be sure that your metaverse NFT assets will stay be in demand in the future.

Third, you can become an early investor at one of the promising metaverse projects. This option is probably the most profitable in the long run and can potentially maximize your returns. However, it requires a much bigger capital since most metaverse projects are looking for seed investors with a minimum initial investment unobtainable by an retail investor.

Yet, there are companies that allow individual investors to get profit shares without sky-high contributions. One of such projects is Phenom Metaverse, an iOS- and Android-based digital universe that is to be released in Q1-Q2 of 2022.

What about Phenom Metaverse?

Phenom Metaverse pioneered the metaverse space in 2021 and started working on their platform even before Facebook announced its plans on metaverse development. Since then, the team has made huge progress and launched a closed beta version of the Phenom Metaverse app at the beginning of 2022.

Even though Phenom Metaverse has already got several investment offers from large investment companies, the team decided to let users get profit shares of the project first. For this reason, they have launched an NFT collection consisting of 500 exclusive NFTs that represent a 20% stake in the Phenom Metaverse.

So instead of buying regular metaverse tokens, you can become a holder of a unique NFT that represents a 0.04% profit share of an innovative metaverse.

400 Phenom Metaverse NFTs are reserved for current users of the Phenom Ecosystem, but the other 100 NFTs are already available for sale on the OpenSea marketplace. So don’t miss such an opportunity!


A metaverse is a unique place where the physical and digital worlds come together. For years, it has been the future predicted in many sci-fi books and movies, but finally, this future is here. 

Even though the metaverse market is still at an early stage of development, it has great potential, and in just a couple of years, it will transform the tech industry. So join this trend today so that you don’t regret waiting tomorrow!

Louis Adams https://www.satoshihodler.com

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.