The UK Will Launch the Digital Pound After 2025

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The launch of a national digital currency is possible this decade, but not before 2025, the head of the UK Treasury, Jeremy Hunt, has said.

According to him, the so-called e-GBP could become a new “reliable and affordable” means of payment. At the moment, the authorities are focused on the impact of the CBDC on financial stability.

the Bank of England and the country’s Treasury published on Tuesday a consultation paper on the digital pound. Interested parties will be able to submit their comments until 7 June this year.

The main motivation for the launch is to ensure that the money of the Central Bank of Great Britain retains the status of an anchor of trust and security in the country’s monetary system.

Louis Adams

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.