Capriole Investments: BTC Will Become Most Profitable Asset in 2023

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According to Capriole Investments analysts, the leading crypto will be able to outperform all major assets in terms of profitability next year.

The company’s experts have pointed to three factors that can increase the attractiveness of cryptocurrency, being the first the Fed policy.

Now the regulator is sticking to the tightest monetary policy since the 1980s.

The money supply is shrinking, which has led to such a significant weakening of business activity. As soon as the Fed abandons its aggressive policy and softens it, then capital will go to the market. According to Capriole Investments, as early as next year, the Fed will change course.

In 2023, safe assets and, first of all, gold will be attractive. However, the company’s experts are confident that Bitcoin will seize the moment and become a more popular tool.

Louis Adams

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.