HashEx: Users Who Want to Prematurely Withdraw ETH from Staking Become Ponzi Scheme Participants

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According to HashEx experts, those who want to prematurely withdraw ETH from staking become participants in a massive Ponzi scheme that can collapse at any moment.

They have said that to obtain the status of a validator, the user needs to deposit 32 ETH under a deposit agreement. At the same time, the possibility of their withdrawal will open only after the Shanghai upgrade, the implementation date of which has not yet been determined.

Since not everyone can allocate such a large amount, various liquid staking services offer funds delegation services to generate profitability. In particular, we are talking about Lido, Rocket Pool, Stake Wise, StaFi, Ankr Staking and others.

They also allow users to exchange Ethereum for various derivative assets such as sETH, stETH, rETH and rETH2. However, a reverse exchange of a token is possible only in the secondary market.

Louis Adams https://www.satoshihodler.com

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.