Hacked Project Nomad Asks Attackers to Return 90% of Funds and Offers 10% Reward

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The team of cross-chain protocol Nomad has offered hackers who stole about $190 million from the smart contracts of the project to return the stolen assets for a reward of 10%.

According to the statement:

“Nomad will consider any party that returns at least 90% of the amount of stolen funds as a white hat hacker. The team will not take any legal action against him. Funds must be transferred to Nomad’s official recovery wallet.”

The developers have emphasized they continue to work with the community, law enforcement and blockchain analysis-oriented companies to return all assets.

They have added the deal with the project would allow the hackers to avoid “possible prosecution by third parties” and charges from the authorities.

Louis Adams https://www.satoshihodler.com

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.