Elon Musk: Twitter is Hiding Data About Spam Accounts

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk has asked Twitter management to provide more data on fake accounts on the platform, according to a document published on the website of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Lawyer Mike Ringler has said:

“In fact, Twitter has refused to hand over the information that Mr. Musk has repeatedly requested since May 9, 2022, in order to facilitate the assessment of spam and fake accounts on the platform. Twitter’s latest offer to simply provide more information about the company’s own testing methodologies is tantamount to denying the data request.”

According to the letter, the agreement provides for the transfer by the company of the requested data for “any reasonable business purposes related to the completion of the transaction.” According to Musk, Twitter is “clearly reneging” on the commitment due to concerns about the results of an independent evaluation of the data.

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